About Us
UNC Healthy Solutions uses evidence-based solutions to help agencies, foundations, organizations, American Indian/Alaska Native tribes and tribal organizations, and other groups who seek to transform communities to achieve equitable health and social outcomes. We are a service-oriented team within the Department of Health Behavior at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Because we are part of a major research institution, we specialize in tailoring evidence-based practice to help local, state and national organizations build their public health capacity and strategy.
Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you!
Email: carolyn_crump@unc.edu
Telephone: 919.966.5598
1700 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
CB# 7506
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7506
US Bureau of Reclamation (Pacific Northwest Region): We assessed the safety culture in the Bureau’s Pacific Northwest Region. The information is being used to develop system-wide improvements.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Over a 12-year period, we supported CDC efforts to guide the implementation and evaluation of evidence-based motor vehicle safety strategies in American Indian/Alaska Native communities. Through this initiative, we produced the Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention (TMVIP) Best Practices Guide (2016).
Within the NC Division of Public Health we have worked with multiple clients, including:
Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health Branch (CCCPH): For over 20 years we have provided consultant support to the CCCPH Branch (previously known as the Physical Activity and Nutrition Branch) for multiple health promotion initiatives including: facilitating the NC Healthy Environments Collaborative of state agencies; facilitating strategic planning by statewide entities such as the NC Diabetes Advisory Council; helping guide worksite health promotion evaluation; writing one of the earliest state plans to increase physical activity using systems change; implementation and evaluation assistance for the CPPW and CTG grants; diabetes evidence base review; and capacity building for their staff and partners (including KBR Catalyst staff, HEAL Liaisons, CTG regional coordinators, Active Routes to School regional coordinators).
Children and Youth Branch: We provided training and technical assistance to NC regional staff and partners of the Innovative Approaches program as they applied system-change strategies to benefit children and youth with special health care needs.
Chronic Disease Section: We led the planning and writing of the NC Coordinated Chronic Disease, Injury, and Health Promotion State Plan.
Injury and Violence Prevention Branch: We led the planning and writing of the NC Suicide Prevention Plan.
John Rex Endowment: We helped this foundation enhance the injury and violence prevention capacity of government and non-profit practitioners in Wake County, NC through training events and technical assistance.
Indian Health Service: Over an 18-year period, we provided guidance and support to national, area, and tribal staff as they assessed and redeveloped their injury prevention program. The project included redesigning their injury prevention training curriculum. Currently we are the academic advisors for their Injury Prevention Program which will redesign their Epidemiologic Fellowship, Program-Development Fellowship, and injury prevention Short Courses. For more information, and downloadable resources, visit our Tribal Injury Prevention page.
DHPE: With support from DHPE we developed and published the Systems Change for Health curriculum, which they marketed to public health professionals in over 40 states through 2017. UNC Healthy Solutions now provides the curriculum. Contact us for more information about booking a virtual or in-person workshop.
Spokane Regional Health District: We provided evaluation training and technical assistance to the region’s public health practitioners and partners to facilitate their focus on policy, environmental, and systems change strategies.
AARP: We provided training and technical assistance to a multi-city project that engaged older adults in assessing the walkability of their neighborhoods. The volunteers collected and mapped data, and then petitioned city departments for improvements.
Welborn Baptist Foundation: We provided an orientation to public health promotion policy strategies for the foundation’s Board of Directors and community partners as they developed obesity prevention initiatives for a multi-county region in Indiana.
Mary Black Foundation: For the foundation’s staff and community partners we provided training and GIS technical assistance in the auditing of walking and bicycling suitability for communities in Spartanburg, SC.
Winter Park Health Foundation: We facilitated a planning seminar with the foundation’s Board of Directors to plan a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) workshop training experience. We then developed and delivered the 2-day HIA workshop training for the foundation’s staff and community partners.